Shoulders Down

🙏 Never Too Late to Recover with Debbie Lesko

• Leah Kern

This week we are joined by Debbie Lesko, an anti-advocate and diet activist and eating disorder survivor. In this episode we talk about: 

  • Deb’s story with  50+ year long struggle with an eating disorder
  • The pieces that helped Deb finally decide to commit to recovery
  • The story behind what led Deb to create her account, Diets Dont Work and her feelings about how its grown
  • A massive turning point in Deb’s body image journey
  • How Deb stays rooted in recovery on bad body image days

Before diving into the episode, I share info about my FREE resource, The Intuitive Eater Holiday Survival Guide in honor of it being Thanksgiving week.  I also share about my new self-paced course experience offering, The Return.

Connect with Debbie on Instagram @diets_dont_work_haes1
Connect with Debbie on her Facebook page Diets Dont Work

Apply to The Embodied Method, my 1:1 coaching program
Join my self-paced course, The Return
Submit your question(s) here for chance to have it answered on an upcoming podcast episode
Follow me on Instagram for more intuitive eating content @leahkern.rd
Visit my website to learn more about my coaching offerings
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🥳March is a really special month here on the podcast— not only is it my birthday month, but it's also the podcast's birthday month! This year, Shoulders Down is turning 3 & to celebrate, I’m giving you the chance to win free enrollment in my  course, The Return, & a 1:1 session with me. Click here to enter.

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